"The Simulation of Moving Sound Sources",
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, pp. J. Audio Eng. Soc. 19 (1), 2–6., 1971.
"The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Frequency Modulation",
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, pp. J. Audio Eng. Soc. 21 (7), 526-534., 1973.
Computer Simulation of Music Instrument Tones in Reverberant Environments,
, no. STAN-M-1: Stanford University Department of Music, 1974.
"An Exploration of Musical Timbre",
Department of Psychology, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-2, Stanford, California, Stanford University, 1975.
On the Loudness of Complex, Time-Variant Tones,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 1975.
"On the Segmentation and Analysis of Continuous Musical Sound by Digital Computer",
Department of Computer Science, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-3, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 1975.
"An Introduction to the Phase Vocoder",
Digital Audio Signal Processing: An Anthology, Los Altos, CA, William Kaufmann, 02/1987, 1975.
"The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Discrete Summation Formulae",
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 24, no. STAN-M-5, 1976.
"Real Time Interactive Computer Music Synthesis",
Electrical Engineering, vol. Ph.D., Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 1977.
Simulation of Music Instrument Tones in Reverberant Environments, Final Report,
: Stanford University Department of Music, 05/1978.
The Influence of Nonharmonic Partials on Tone Perception,
, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-10: Stanford University, 1980.
Auditory Distance Perception Under Natural Sounding Conditions, Final Report,
, no. STAN-M-12: Stanford University Department of Music, 1982.
"An Investigation of the Effects of Direct and Reverberant Signal Interactions on Auditory Distance Perception",
Department of Hearing and Speech, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-13: Stanford University, 1982.
Instrumental Timbre and Related Acoustical Phenomena in the Perception of Music, Final Report,
, no. STAN-M-11, Stanford, California, Stanford University Department of Music, 08/1982.
"Ensemble Timing in Computer Music",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-23, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, N.Y., 1983.
"Techniques for Digital Filter Design and System Identification with Application to the Violin",
Electrical Engineering, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-14: Stanford University, 06/1983.
"An Allpass Approach to Digital Phasing and Flanging",
International Computer Music Conference, Paris, 1984.
"Electronic Simulation of Auditorium Acoustics",
Electrical Engineering, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-18, Stanford, California, Elec. Eng. Dept., Stanford University, 1984.
Intelligent Systems for the Analysis of Digitized Acoustic Signals, Final Report,
, no. STAN-M-15: Stanford University Department of Music, 1984.
"Perception of Attack Transients in Musical Tones",
Department of Music, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-17, Stanford, California, Stanford University, 1984.
Automatic Species Counterpoint,
, Stanford, CA, CCRMA, 05/1984.
"Spectral Fusion, Spectral Parsing and the Formation of Auditory Images",
Department of Hearing and Speech, vol. Ph.D., Stanford, California, Stanford University, 05/1984.
PLA - A Tutorial and Reference Manual,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 12/1984.
"A Sine Generation Algorithm for VLSI Applications",
Proc. 1985 Int. Computer Music Conf., Vancouver: Computer Music Association, 1985.
"Techniques for Note Identification in Polyphonic Music",
Proceddings of the 1985 International Computer Music Conference, Burnaby, B.C., Canada, no. STAN-M-29: International Computer Music Association, 1985.
"Introduction to Digital Filter Theory",
Digital Audio Signal Processing: An Anthology, Los Altos, CA, William Kaufmann, 04/1985.
"On the Automatic Transcription of Percussive Music - From Acoustic Signal to High-Level Analysis",
Department of Hearing and Speech, no. STAN-M-27, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 05/1985.
"Modeling Musical Transitions",
Department of Music, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-26: Stanford University, 06/1985.
Bowed String Synthesis and Its Control From a Physical Model,
, no. STAN-M-32, replaced by STAN-M-48: Stanford University Department of Music, 07/1985.
"On Finding Rythmic Patterns in Musical Lines",
ICMC '85, no. STAN-M-30: CCRMA, 07/1985.
"A New Approach to Digital Reverberation Using Closed Waveguide Networks",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-31, Burnaby, B.C., Canada, pp. 47-53, 1985.
The Bounded-Q approach to time-varying spectral analysis,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 1986.
"Source Separation and Note Identification in Polyphonic Music",
Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Tokyo, no. STAN-M-34, New York, IEEE Press, 1986.
"Elimination of Limit Cycles and Overflow Oscillations in Time-Varying Lattive and Ladder Digital Filters",
IEEE Conference on Circuits and Systems, no. STAN-M-35, San Jose, CA, USA, 05/1986.
Intelligent Analysis of Composite Acoustic Signals, Final Report,
, Stanford, California, Stanford University Department of Music, 05/1986.
"The Computer as a Musical Instrument",
Scientific American, vol. 256, no. STAN-M-37, 1987.
Music Applications of Digital Waveguides,
: Stanford University, 1987.
"PARSHL: A Program for the Analysis/Synthesis of Inharmonic Sounds Based on a Sinusoidal Representation",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-43, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, 1987.
"Spectrum Analysis Tutorial - Parts I and II",
Computer Music Journal, vol. 11, issue 2-3, no. STAN-M-33, 1987.
The Role of Psychoacoustics in Computer Music,
, Stanford, CA, CCRMA, 06/1987.