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spectral methods and
Spectral Methods
additive synthesis
Additive Synthesis to Additive Synthesis
Adrien, J.-M.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical
Complexity of Musical Systems
AM synthesis
AM and FM Synthesis to AM and FM Synthesis
Ames, W.
Lumped Mass Spring Networks
Additive Synthesis
analysis-synthesis methods
Abstract Digital Sound Synthesis
artificial reverberation
Digital Waveguides | Digital Waveguides | Complexity of Musical Systems
Cadoz, C.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical
Cauchy-Schwartz inequality
Inner Products and Identities
Chaigne, A.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical | Direct Numerical Simulation
Chebyshev grid
Chebyshev Grids to Chebyshev Grids
Chebyshev polynomials
waveshaping and
Other Methods
Chowning, J.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical | AM and FM Synthesis
circulant delay networks
Digital Waveguides
collocation methods
Spectral Methods | Collocation Methods to Collocation Methods
Courant Friedrichs Lewy stability condition
The 1D Wave Equation
critical band
Complexity of Musical Systems
digital waveguide synthesis
efficiency of
Complexity of Musical Systems
finite difference schemes and
Digital Waveguides to Digital Waveguides
digital waveguides
Digital Waveguides to Digital Waveguides
Dirichlet condition
Boundary Conditions
dispersion relation
Dispersion Relation
energy method
Energy | Energy Analysis
fast Fourier transform (FFT)
Abstract Digital Sound Synthesis
spectral methods and
Spectral Methods
spectral methods and
Fast Fourier Transforms
feedback delay networks
Digital Waveguides
Fettweis, A.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical
finite difference time-domain (FDTD) methods
Direct Numerical Simulation
finite difference time-domain FDTD methods
As First-Order System
finite element methods
Direct Numerical Simulation to Direct Numerical Simulation | Coupled Systems of Oscillators
Florens, J.-L.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical
FM synthesis
The Oscillator
waveshaping and
Other Methods
FM synthesis
AM and FM Synthesis to AM and FM Synthesis
Other Methods
Fourier series
spectral methods and
Spectral Methods | Spectral Methods
frequency warping
Lumped Mass-Spring Networks
in difference schemes for the SHO
Frequency Domain Analysis
Galerkin methods
Spectral Methods | Galerkin Methods to Galerkin Methods
Garber, M.
Spectral Methods
Giordano, N.
Direct Numerical Simulation
granular synthesis
Other Methods to Other Methods
psychoacoustic significance of
Complexity of Musical Systems
instantaneous frequency
Additive Synthesis
Jaffe, D.
Digital Waveguides
Jarvelainen, H.
Complexity of Musical Systems
Karplus Strong algorithm
Digital Waveguides
Karplus, K.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical
Kelly, J.
Physical Modeling
Kelly-Lochbaum speech synthesis model
Digital Waveguides | Hybrid Methods
LC circuit
The Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Lochbaum, C
Physical Modeling
Luciani, A.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical
lumped network models
for the 1D wave equation
Lumped Network Models
Complexity of Musical Systems
mass-spring system
The Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Mathews, M.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical | Additive Synthesis
modal synthesis
for the 1D wave equation
Modal Synthesis
spectral methods and
Spectral Methods
Neumann condition
Boundary Conditions
numerical dispersion
Spectral Methods
phantom partials
Nonlinear Strings
phase vocoder
Additive Synthesis
pitch glides
Digital Waveguides | Nonlinear Strings | Nonlinear Plates
Rabenstein, R.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical | Modal Synthesis
ring modulation
AM and FM Synthesis
Robin condition
Boundary Conditions
Ruiz, P.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical | Physical Modeling | Direct Numerical Simulation
Runge-Kutta methods
As First-Order System
sampling synthesis
Wavetable Synthesis
short-time Fourier transformation
Additive Synthesis
Smith III, J.O.
Abstract Digital Sound Synthesis | Digital Waveguides | Digital Waveguides
Smith, J.O.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical
source/filter models
Subtractive Synthesis to Subtractive Synthesis
spectral methods
Direct Numerical Simulation to Direct Numerical Simulation
modal synthesis and
Connections: Direct Simulation and | Spectral Methods
spectral modeling synthesis (SMS)
Additive Synthesis
Strong, A.
Sound Synthesis and Physical | Sound Synthesis and Physical
Sturm-Liouville problem
Modal Synthesis
subharmonic generation
Nonlinear Plates
subtractive synthesis
Subtractive Synthesis to Subtractive Synthesis | The Oscillator
symplectic methods
Energy Analysis
tension modulation
Digital Waveguides | Complexity of Musical Systems | Nonlinear Strings
plate vibration and
Nonlinear Plates
Timoshenko beam theory
Phase and Group Velocity
traveling waves
Characteristics and Travelling Wave to Characteristics and Travelling Wave
triangle inequality
Inner Products and Identities
von Neumann analysis
Sinusoidal Solution
Other Methods
wave digital filters
The Simple Harmonic Oscillator
waveguide mesh
Digital Waveguides
Other Methods
wavetable synthesis
Wavetable Synthesis to Wavetable Synthesis | The Oscillator
weighted residual methods
Spectral Methods

Stefan Bilbao 2006-11-15