Using Netjack
Netjack enables computers or laptops to connect to OpenMixer easily with just one ethernet cable. A computer or laptop using the proper version of Netjack will see 24 input and output channels through Jack. |
Netjack enables computers or laptops to connect to OpenMixer easily with just one ethernet cable. A computer or laptop using the proper version of Netjack will see 24 input and output channels through Jack. |
101 Introduction to Creating Electronic Sound
106 Concert Production
153D Ensemble Sonification of Temporal Data
220B Compositional Algorithms, Psychoacoustics, and Computational Music
222 Sound in Space
223Q Queer Electronic Music Composition
251 Psychophysics and Music Cognition
253 Symbolic Musical Information
319 Research Seminar on Computational Models of Sound
422 Perceptual Audio Coding
451B Neuroscience of Auditory Perception and Music Cognition II: Neural Oscillations
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