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"ChucK: A Strongly-timed Computer Music Language",
Computer Music Journal, vol. 39, issue 4, 12/2015.
"Alias-suppressed oscillators based on differentiated polynomial waveforms",
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 18, issue 4, 05/2010.
"Designing Smule's iPhone Ocarina",
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Pittsburgh, 2009.
"Interactive Network Media: A Dream Worth Dreaming?",
Organised Sound, pp. 10(3)209-219, 2007.
"Compositional Tools for Adding Expression to Music",
International Computer Music Conference, no. STAN-M-82, San Jose, CA, USA, CCRMA, 10/1993.
"Event Formation and Separation in Musical Sound",
Department of Computer Science, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-77, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 12/1991.
Music From Machines: Perceptual Fusion and Auditory Perspective - for Ligeti,
, no. STAN-M-64: Stanford University Department of Music, 1990.
TTREES: An Active Data Structure for Computer Music,
, Stanford, California, Stanford University, 05/1988.
The Aquisition of Musical Percepts with a New Scale,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 07/1987.
The Role of Psychoacoustics in Computer Music,
, Stanford, CA, CCRMA, 06/1987.
"The Computer as a Musical Instrument",
Scientific American, vol. 256, no. STAN-M-37, 1987.
Music Applications of Digital Waveguides,
: Stanford University, 1987.