Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is M [Clear All Filters]
"Non-negative Hidden Markov Modeling of Audio with Application to Source Separation",
International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA / ICA), St. Malo, France, 09/2010.
"A Non-negative Framework for Joint Modeling of Spectral Structure and Temporal Dynamics in Sound Mixtures",
Music, vol. PhD: Stanford University, 06/2010.
"Relative Pitch Estimation of Multiple Instruments",
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2009.
"Embedding Equal Pitch Spaces and The Question of Expanded Chromas: An Experimental Approach",
Department of Music, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-93, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 12/1995.
"On the Segmentation and Analysis of Continuous Musical Sound by Digital Computer",
Department of Computer Science, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-3, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 1975.
On the Loudness of Complex, Time-Variant Tones,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 1975.
"The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Discrete Summation Formulae",
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 24, no. STAN-M-5, 1976.
"Real Time Interactive Computer Music Synthesis",
Electrical Engineering, vol. Ph.D., Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 1977.
"On Finding Rythmic Patterns in Musical Lines",
ICMC '85, no. STAN-M-30: CCRMA, 07/1985.
The Bounded-Q approach to time-varying spectral analysis,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 1986.
"Musical Tapestry: Re-composing Natural Sounds",
Journal of New Music Research, pp. 36(4):241-250, 2008.
"Event Formation and Separation in Musical Sound",
Department of Computer Science, vol. Ph.D., no. STAN-M-77, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, 12/1991.
"The Laptop Accordion",
New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Brisbane, Australia, 07/2016.
"Spectral Fusion, Spectral Parsing and the Formation of Auditory Images",
Department of Hearing and Speech, vol. Ph.D., Stanford, California, Stanford University, 05/1984.
The Conductor Program and Mechanical Baton,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 05/1988.
The Aquisition of Musical Percepts with a New Scale,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 07/1987.
"The Computer as a Musical Instrument",
Scientific American, vol. 256, no. STAN-M-37, 1987.
Pickups for the Vibrations of Violin and Guitar Strings Using Piezoelectric Bimorphic Bender Elements,
, Stanford, CA, Stanford University, CCRMA, 05/1988.