One Day Faust Workshop With Yann Orlarey: Faust and Furious!
Sat, 01/13/2018 - 9:30am - 5:30pm
CCRMA Classroom
Event Type:
Other This free event is open to anyone and is intended for people wishing to get a broad introduction to Faust. By the end of the day, attendees should know how to write simple Faust programs and convert them into various kind of objects: PD, SuperCollider, CSOUND and Max/MSP externals, iOS, Android and web apps, Standalone Applications, AU, LV2, VST and LADSPA plug-ins, etc. We'll also demonstrate how to integrate the code generated by the Faust compiler to existing projects (e.g., JUCE-based plugin-ins, smartphone apps, etc.). A strong emphasis will be given to web technologies by highlighting Faust’s webassembly support and other related tools.
- Yann Orlarey - Creator of Faust, Visiting Scholar at CCRMA, Scientific Director of GRAME
- Romain Michon - Faust Developer, PhD Candidate at CCRMA
- Julius Smith - Faust Developer, Professor at CCRMA
* Poster credit: Yuval Adler
Open to the Public