Técnicas de Espacialización y Difusión en Composición Electroacústica (Spatialization and Diffusion Techniques in Electroacoustic Music Composition), 1º Congreso Internacional de Artes, Revueltas del Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014

A three day workshop taught in the "Garcia Morillo" classroom at DAMUS (Departamento de Artes Musicales), UNA, Universidad Nacional de las Artes. November 18-20 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Herramientas de Software Libre para la Espacializacón de Sonido (Free Software Tools for Sound Spatialization), Estudio de Música Electroacústica, Escuela Universitaria de Música, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2014

This 4 day intensive workshop touched on various topics dealing with Spatialization and Diffusion of computer music, with a focus on using Free Software tools and software. It took place on November 10-13 2014 at the Electracoustic Music Studio in Montevideo, Uruguay, organized by Luis Jure.

SuperCollider, Summer Workshop 2014

Another instance of the SuperCollider 101 Summer Workshop, taught together wiht Bruno Ruviaro. Spearheaded by Bruno we instituted, for the first time, a scholarship for Women in Computer Music, to try to address the gender imbalance in this field of research and production. This year we sponsored 4 full time and one 1/2 time students.

SuperCollider, Summer Workshop 2013

SuperCollider 101 Summer Workshop, taught together wiht Bruno Ruviaro.

Sound in Space (Music 222) Spring 2013
SuperCollider, Summer Workshop 2012

Taught together with Bruno Ruviaro, this five-day intensive workshop welcomed participants of any discipline with or without prior programming or musical experience. The class was aimed at musicians, composers, researchers, sound artists, programmers, and all computer & electronic music enthusiasts interested in learning more about SuperCollider.

Sound in Space Spring 2011
Spatial Sound workshop at GAFFTA

Four intensive classes on Spatial Sound using SuperCollider. Theory, practice, musical examples played in a ring of 8 speakers (web site for the course hosted at CCRMA. November 2/4, 8/10 2010

Sound in Space Spring 2010
Edgar Varese Guest Professor Summer 2008

Guest professor at TU Berlin's Electronic Music Studio, Berlin, Germany, Summer 2008. Taught the following courses:

Computer Music Workshop, Summer 2007

Two week intensive workshop taught in spanish together with Juan Pablo Cáceres in LIM, Guanaguato, México

220b: Synthesis Techniques, Compositional Algorithms, Psychoacoustics and Spatial Processing, Winter 2007
Summer Workshop: Introduction to Sound Synthesis and Signal Processing, 1998
220a: Introduction to Sound Synthesis and Signal Processing, Winter 1998
Summer Workshop: Introduction to Sound Synthesis and Signal Processing, 1997

One week summer workshop taught with Juan Pampin

Introduction to Algorithmic Composition, Summer 1996

Two week summer workshop taught with Rick Taube, Tobias Kunze, Jonathan Norton and Nicky Hind

220a: Algorithmic Composition Techniques, Winter 1996
220a: Fundamentals of Computer Generated Sound, Fall 1996
Introduction to Algorithmic Composition, Summer 1995

Two week summer workshop taught with Rick Taube, Tobias Kunze and Nicky Hind

Summer Workshop: Fundamentals of Computer Generated Sound, 1993
Introduction to Computer Music, SFC Campus, Keio University, Japan, 1992
Summer Workshops: Teaching Assistant, 1991
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano

Composer, performer, lecturer and computer systems administrator at CCRMA, Stanford University

Planet CCRMA

(C)1993-2023 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano.
All Rights Reserved.