
for violin and piaNOT, or for piaNOT solo; Michiko Theurer, violin
2020, 5th/2nd order Ambisonics
[►] video with binaural audio

The "Weathered Piano", or piaNOT, is the ghost of an upright piano that was saved from transcending acoustic life in a landfill, and spent a year converted into comfortable housing for small creatures, while being re-tuned by rain and sun. It has been the source of sounds and resonances for four pieces so far, and tonight it confronts a live audience for the first time. Tonight's performance of Resurrections is a creative collaboration between Michiko Theurer and Fernando Lopez-Lezcano. The binding that holds the piece together is the SooperLoopy program (still in the process of being written by Fernando in SuperCollider). SooperLoopy can record and play back multiple loops, add spectral and other processing to the recordings, and spatialize the resulting sound streams in full 3D surround. Michiko (violin) and Fernando (piaNOT) trade places as performers of their respective (or borrowed) instruments, and as creative hunters of the sounds being performed by the other while at the helm of the control surface that interfaces with SooperLoopy. Sonic mayhem ensues...


(C)1993-2023 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano.
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