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Another versatile, effective, and often-used case is the
weighted least squares method, which is implemented in the
matlab function firls and others. A good general reference
in this area is [204].
Let the FIR filter length be
samples, with
even, and suppose
we'll initially design it to be centered about the time origin (``zero
phase''). Then the frequency response is given on our frequency grid
(5.33) |
Enforcing even symmetry in the impulse response, i.e.,
, gives a zero-phase FIR filter that we can later right-shift
samples to make a causal, linear phase filter. In this
case, the frequency response reduces to a sum of cosines:
(5.34) |
or, in matrix form:
(5.35) |
Recall from §3.13.8, that the Remez multiple exchange
algorithm is based on this formulation internally. In that case, the
left-hand-side includes the alternating error, and the frequency grid
iteratively seeks the frequencies of maximum error--the
so-called extremal frequencies.
In matrix notation, our filter-design problem can be stated as (cf.
(5.36) |
where these quantities are defined in (4.35). We can denote the
optimal least-squares solution by
(5.37) |
To find
, we need to minimize
This is a quadratic form in
. Therefore, it has a
global minimum which we can find by setting the gradient to
zero, and solving for
.5.14Assuming all quantities are real, equating the gradient to zero yields
the so-called normal equations
(5.39) |
with solution
(5.40) |
The matrix
(5.41) |
is known as the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse of the matrix
. It can be interpreted as an orthogonal projection
matrix, projecting
onto the column-space of
[264], as we illustrate further in the next section.
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