AVRLIB on Wiring and Arduino

Juan Reyes


Last updated on July 11, 2008


This article aims on using Pascal Stang's AVRLIB on AVR based boards like Wiring and Arduino . AVRLIB is a set of functions written in 'C', which help and support programming ATMega like micro controllers found on these boards. AVRLIB functions built upon AVR libc , providing additional higher-level functions designed to help designers accomplish typical embedded systems tasks. Both AVRLIB and AVR libc make use of the GNU's AVR-GCC compiler which furthermore, takes 'C' language high level code, creating a binary that you can upload into an AVR. This has the advantage of using syntax in the 'C' programming language which is common spread on many fields of technology, it is a standard, and has a big base all around. The AVR-GCC compiler is available for various operating systems like Linux, OS-X, and Windz. Functionality of AVRLIB extends to various sensors now commonly used in the design of controllers and haptic interfaces. Additionally many applications using these libraries and the AVRMini boards have transcended to various fields of interaction design, electronic arts and new musical instruments. Basic steps for installing, programming and other procedures involved in the development and prototyping of ideas using micro controllers will be shown hereafter.

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