... Abel1
Work supported in part by San Jose State University Cooperative Agreement NCC-2-327.
... plane2
Note that the image of the conformal map corresponds to the domain variable $\zeta $ of the allpass transformation, while the input of the map corresponds to the range variable z.
... desired.3
In general, the unit circle is mapped once to itself by any allpass transformation for which the number of poles Np minus the number of zeros Nz inside the unit circle is |Np-Nz|=1. Therefore, higher order allpass transfer functions can be used having Np poles inside the unit circle, say, and $N_z = N_p\pm 1$ poles outside the unit circle. However, such a transformation cannot be used for audio digital filter design, our principle application, because it results in an unstable final filter $H^*[{\cal A}_{-\rho }(z)]$. It similarly cannot be used in any applications requiring time-domain implementation of the unstable allpass filter in place of a unit delay element.
... Barks4
The normalized warped-frequency interval $\omega\in[0,\pi]$ was converted to Barks b by the affine transformation $b = (\omega/\pi)*(N_b-1)+0.5$, where Nb is the number of Bark bands in use. For example, Nb=25 for a 31 kHz sampling rate.
Matlab functions bark2lin.m and lin2bark.m for transforming between linear and bark-warped frequency representations are available on the internet at http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/bbt/bbt.html.