which, when the delays in a filter are replaced by the given allpass filter, preserves the magnitude response, but warps the frequency axis according to .
Thus a prototype filter (low-pass, for example) can be warped to place its corner frequency anywhere in the frequency range, so that becomes a simple and efficient tuning sweep control.
This method has a problem when applied to IIR prototype filters: the allpass filter has a delay-free path, which makes the feedback paths of the IIR filter unimplementable. Various methods exist to fix this problem, involving placing a delay in the loop, and fixing up the feedback coefficients. Unfortunately, all of these methods require that the fixed-up coefs be recomputed each time is changed, though some are much more efficient that others.
Another spectrum warping method, which preserves linear-phase in FIR filters, was proposed in ``Variable Cutoff Linear Phase Digital Filters'', Oppenhein, Mecklenbräuker, & Mersereau, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, v23 n4, April 1976.