1) The faceplate interfaces the speaker and amplifiers with the input audio signals.
Sheet metal in the form of a tie strap is used for this purpose. Tie straps can be
purchased in a variety of lengths. The dremel tool or a metal saw can be used to
cut to length of around nine inches and flatten out the corners.
2) Mark off six evenly spaced holes for the 1/4'' mono audio jacks, one hole for the
power switch, one hole for the DC power supply jack, one hole for the handle, and
four holes at the four corners. In the faceplate below, the power supply jack is at
the end of the right side, then the power switch, then the six audio jacks, and finally the handle.
3) Once the holes are drilled, attach the audio jacks.
4) Add the handle, power jack, and switch can be attached.
5) The basic faceplate is now down and is ready to be attached to the wooden base plate of the enclosure.