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Here are the main features of the make files and latex2html
init-file described in this article:
- All documents are unified under a single set of LATEX format settings
(which are easily overridden in individual documents).
- Several documents may be compiled and/or installed at once.
- HTML and PDF versions of each document are generated automatically from one LATEX source.
- Every generated HTML page (optionally) has a link inviting the
reader to download the current document in PDF format.
- If the document is part of a larger work, such as a book, a
configuration variable can be set in the document's .l2h file
which causes a link to the larger work to be added at the bottom of
each HTML page. (The document's .l2h file supplements and
overrides the more global .latex2html-init file.
- A full bibliographic citation is included in the footer of each
page in all formats.
- A copyright notice, name, address, etc., are generated at the
bottom of each HTML page.
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