The following main program (Fig. 1.9) simulates a simple acoustic echo using the delayline function in Fig. 1.2. It reads a sound file and writes a sound file containing a single, discrete echo at the specified delay. For simplicity, utilities from the free Synthesis Tool Kit (STK) (Version 4.2.x) are used for sound input/output [81]. See Appendix A for an introduction to the STK.2.2
/* Acoustic echo simulator, main C++ program. Compatible with STK version 4.2.1. Usage: main inputsoundfile Writes main.wav as output soundfile */ #include "FileWvIn.h" /* STK soundfile input support */ #include "FileWvOut.h" /* STK soundfile output support */ static const int M = 20000; /* echo delay in samples */ static const int g = 0.8; /* relative gain factor */ #include "delayline.c" /* defined previously */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { long i; Stk::setSampleRate(FileRead(argv[1]).fileRate()); FileWvIn input(argv[1]); /* read input soundfile */ FileWvOut output("main"); /* creates main.wav */ long nsamps = input.getSize(); for (i=0;i<nsamps+M;i++) { StkFloat insamp = input.tick(); output.tick(insamp + g * delayline(insamp)); } } |
In summary, a delay line simulates the time delay associated with wave propagation in a particular direction. Attenuation (e.g., by ) associated with ray propagation can of course be simulated by multiplying the delay-line output by some constant .