- ... language1
- The FAUST home page is
The examples in this tutorial were developed using FAUST version and updated as needed over time, with the latest version
considered being 2.32.1. The name ``FAUST'' comes from ``Functional
AUdio STream.''
- ...
- For Windows, options include Cygwin, Windows System for
Linux (WSL), and Linux virtual machines.
- ...
- https://github.com/grame-cncm/faustlibraries.git
- ...4
- On July 26, 2021, Yann Orlarey wrote the following to
Faust users <faudiostream-users@lists.sourceforge.net>:
``Faust is inspired by Moses Schönfinkel's combinatory logic (1924)
and John Backus' FP (1977). The idea of Schönfinkel was to eliminate
the need for variables in mathematical logic. In functional
programming, this style is known as `point-free' or `tacit'
- ...
- Writing a Slew Limiter in the Faust Language (8m):
- ... Librariess:6
- These were originally defined in math.lib, while
now they are in maths.lib and expanded in some cases.
- ...
- The bus function was initially defined in the
FAUST Libraries distribution's maths.lib, and was moved to
signals.lib near the end of 2016.
- ... Substitution8
- Thanks to Yann Orlarey for assisting with this section.
- ... Substitution9
- Thanks to Yann Orlarey for assisting with this section.
- ...
- Thanks to Yann Orlarey for this example and associated
discussion on how pattern-matching works in FAUST.
- ...
- Thanks to Yann Orlarey for this description.
- ... method.12
- The
mathematical notation
denotes a half-open interval,
i.e., the interval includes endpoint
but but not
- ... option.13
- The faust2firefox script
can be used to generate SVG block diagrams and open them in the
Firefox web browser, among others.
- ...
- https://fastapprox.googlecode.com/svn/tags/fastapprox
- ... response:15
- This
specific output was obtained by editing cpgrir-print.cpp to replace
%8f by
%g in the print statements, in order to print more
significant digits.
- ... .16
- The author has verified (July 2010)
that working Qt applications are generated on both Mac OS X and
Fedora 12 Linux systems, and working GTK applications are generated
on Fedora 12 Linux.
- ...https://faust.grame.fr/.17
- It
is inadvisable to publish links into content within the FAUST
website, even something as large as the manual, editor, or library
documentation, as they frequently change incompatibly. Fortunately,
the language rarely has an incompatible change.
- ... adding18
- After running jack-rack, the LADSPA plugin was added
by clicking on the menu items ``Add / Uncategorised / C /
Constant_Peak_Gain_Resonator''. If
jack-rack does not find this or other plugins, make sure your
LADSPA_PATH environment variable is set. A typical setting
would be /usr/local/lib/ladspa/:/usr/lib/ladspa/.
- ...jackrackconnect.19
- Sound routings such as this may be
accomplished using the ``Connect'' window in qjackctl. In
that window, there is an Audio tab and a MIDI tab, and the Audio tab
is selected by default. Just click twice to select the desired
source and destination and then click ``Connect''. Such connections
can be made automatic by clicking ``Patchbay'' in the
qjackctl control panel, specifying your connections,
saving, then clicking ``Activate''. Connections can also be
established at the command line using aconnect from the
alsa-utils package (included with Planet CCRMA).
- ... times).20
- At each time sampling instant,
the set of audio samples from all channels is called a frame.
- ... :21
- Additionally there are faust2jackinternal and
faust2jackserver which are beyond the scope of this tutorial.
- ... generator22
- The Attack, Decay, Sustain, and
Release (ADSR) envelope is said to have been invented by Robert Moog
in collaboration with composer Herbert Deutsch in the 1960s.
- ... input.23
- Pd must have at least one MIDI-input port
defined at startup for this to work. For example, a typical
~/.pdrc file might contain the following startup options for pd:
-jack -r 48000 -alsamidi -midiindev 1 -midioutdev 1 -audiooutdev 1 -outchannels 2 -path /usr/lib/pd/...
- ...scsynth,24
- After
restarting sclang, the class name FaustOsc will be
defined. In emacs, this is indicated by typesetting it in the
special color for known class names. When scsynth is
started, you can obtain a printout of the line ``Faust: osc
numControls=2'' in the post buffer when the module is loaded, if
you remove -DNDEBUG from the compiler flags in either
faust2supercollider or Makefile.sccompile.
- ... messages25
- Example:
vslider("Volume[osc:/1/fader1]", 0, 0, 1, 0.1) will map the OSC
path /1/fader1 to this Volume slider.
- ...PASP.26
- https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/StateSpace/Converting_State_Space_Form_Hand.html
- ...JOSFP.27
- ... architecture,28
- FAUST benchmarking tools are
documented at https://github.com/grame-cncm/faust/tree/master-dev/tools/benchmark