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Transverse Wave Equation: Ideal String


Wave Equation

$\displaystyle \zbox{ Ky''= \epsilon {\ddot y}}

K& \mathrel{\stackrel{\mathrm{\Delta}}{=}}& \hbox{string tension} & \qquad y & \mathrel{\stackrel{\mathrm{\Delta}}{=}}& y(t,x) \nonumber \\
\epsilon & \mathrel{\stackrel{\mathrm{\Delta}}{=}}& \hbox{linear mass density} & {\dot y}& \mathrel{\stackrel{\mathrm{\Delta}}{=}}& \frac{\partial}{\partial t}y(t,x) \nonumber \\
y & \mathrel{\stackrel{\mathrm{\Delta}}{=}}& \hbox{string displacement} & y'& \mathrel{\stackrel{\mathrm{\Delta}}{=}}& \frac{\partial}{\partial x}y(t,x) \nonumber

Newton's second law

$\displaystyle \zbox{\hbox{Force} = \hbox{Mass} \times \hbox{Acceleration}}


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``Computational Acoustic Modeling with Digital Delay'', by Julius O. Smith III, (From Lecture Overheads, Music 420).
Copyright © 2020-02-11 by Julius O. Smith III
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA),   Stanford University
CCRMA  [Automatic-links disclaimer]