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In this reader, we discuss methods for decomposing a plucked stringed-instrument into
modular components with individual properties that can be measured, modeled and calibrated.
Within calibration, there are just a few overarching themes that should be mentioned
to add cohesion to the methods presented. Inverse-filtering, used to reduce the order
of measured body impulse responses and pressure radiation transfer functions, is
extrememly useful in removing unwanted components within a given signal. However,
there are conditions with which its method creates undesireable side-effects: nulls within
the spectrum. As discussed in obtaining excitations for the digital waveguide string models in Section 4.1,
using inverse-filtering causes nulls at the fundamental and its harmonics resulting in
an anti-harmonic excitation. Since the excitation of the string is flat-spectrummed,
inverse-filtering methods for excitation extraction does not present a psycho-acoustically
pleasing solution.
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