
Note: This is almost a verbatim of a RHFC Linux installation. For detailed information please consult the main Fedora site at RedHat.

  1. Make sure you have a Linux Partition on your Laptop or Workstation. (Before creating a partition on a windoze (vfat) drive make sure you backup sensitive data). People use commercial software like Partition Magic to get a Linux partition. You can also use the program. If you are not so familiar with the command window it might be worth to ask for some help.

    It is recommended to have at least 3 partitions:

  2. Download or get Linux DVDs or CDs from the main Fedora site at RedHat or at one of its mirrors.
  3. Boot your computer with Fedora Core CD-1 or the DVD and follow its graphical instructions (default values are appropriate for most common installations. If you have a laptop make sure to use LCD screen when asked about your monitor type).

    If you can't get to a graphical mode installation, the graphics might not be supported on X.ORG windows yet. Check the chipset while boot on windoze and got to X.ORG to see how can it be configured.

    By experience it might be a good idea that you do a full (Install Everything) installation.

  4. Get fedora updates (beware of Kernel version numbers and good bandwidth). You can use the yum command:

             yum -y update       

    At this time it is a good idea to get familiar with the yum command or read about it at the yum site.

  5. Complete the Fedora Core installation with Fedora Extras (see section ยง14.4).

  6. Last but not least! Immerse yourself into PlanetCCRMA @ Home

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Created and Mantained by Juan Reyes