Lecture and Lab Schedule - Winter 2005

Instructors: Bill Verplank(BV), Max Mathews(MM)
TAs: Patricio de la Quadra (PQ), Woon Seung Yeo (WY)

Mon Lecture Wed Lecture Lab HW, Exams, Projects
Jan 3 no class until Wednesday Jan 5 Intros (all), enrollment, goals, course schedule (BV), interaction design (BV+WJ), project preview (), student photos 

HW1: Lab 1 "pre-lab assignment"

HW2: Sketch a HANDLE and a BUTTON.

Jan 10 Sketching/show HW2 (BV), 
Basic Circuits and simple sensors, (MM)
Microcontrollers: AVR, A/D conversion. gcc, make, libraries, Linux (BV)
Jan 12 Programming buttons (input), lcd (output), delay (timer), etc. L1: Sensors and circuits, resistor networks, and use of protoboard  
Jan 17 Martin Luther King Day, Jr., Day (holiday, no classes) Jan 19 More Pd, Open SoundControl (WY) L2: "Simon" game: Class development environment and protoboard, AVR programming, buttons, timing
L3: Pd programming, control of synthesis, OSC communication

Jan 24 Miller Puckette Jan 26 Student Projects L4: Analog filters and op-amp circuits HW3: Observe  and sketch "expressive" scenarios
Jan 31 Filters, Op-Amps Radio Baton demo (MM) Feb 2 Project Demo

L5: Latency (optional)
L6: Haptics and force feedback. (BV)
HW4: Invention: Sketch a individual PROJECT (motivation, meaning, modes, mappings).
Feb 7 Haptics Lecture
The Plank and scanned synthesis.
Term-project intro and "design framework" (BV)

Feb 9 Present HW4 "sales pitches".
Form teams. (students)
Visitor: Sile O'Modrhain

Feb 14 Haptics review (BV). Feb 16 Team Plans (students).
Highlights of past projects (BV)
Consult with staff during Lab time.  
Feb 21 Presidents' Day (holiday, no classes) Feb 23 Progress Reports
Consult with staff during Lab time.   
Feb 28 Work on Projects 
Mar 2 "Working Parts" Demo
Consult with staff during Lab time.   
Mar 7 Final Presentations Mar 9 reports due, discussion    
Mar 14 - no class - Mar 16 tentative date for ccrma@prl show    

Send comments about this page to verplank@ccrma.stanford.edu
Last modified: Dec 28 2004