MUS250a, lab for January 26, 2005 - Max Mathews

Due Wednesday, Feb. 9

The information sheets passed out in class today contain diagrams for the op amp and filter circuits, many of which were demonstrated in class today. The list given below starts with simple filter circuits and proceeds to more complicated circuits. In the lab, make and evaluate one filter circuit, the virtual ground circuit, and one op-amp circuit. The evaluation should show that the circuit actually works.

Different circuits will require different evaluations. Most evaluations will involve putting an input into the circuit and observing the output from the circuit.

To receive credit for this lab, show all three working circuits to a TA and turn in a lab writeup. You may do any number of additional Op-amp circuits for extra credit.


The input may be an audio signal from a signal generator or a sensor signal from an FSR. The simple pd patch signal-generator can make a sine wave or white noise.

To get the sound output from a Linux machine onto your protoboard we have made a collection of cables that go from 1/4" unbalanced on one end to a pair of bare wires on the other end. Plug the 1/4" unbalanced end into the back of the "omni i/o" audio interface, to the output labelled "L monitor out." Now you can plug one of the bare wires into ground on your protoboard and the other into the input of whatever circuit you want to test.


Ideally you should look at the output of your circuit on an oscilloscope. Since we have only two scopes you will have to take turns.

Another option would be to look at the output on a multimeter; this will tell you the overall amplitude but will not give any sense of the shape of the signal.

You can also wire the output of your filter to the speaker on your board; this will be too quiet to hear the sine wave without amplfication (which you can do with an op-amp for extra credit), but it should be good enough to hear the effect of your filter on white noise.

Filter circuits:

Virtual Ground circuit

Op-amp circuits

Filtering in Pd

For extra credit, learn about Pd's audio filter objects (hip~, lop~, bp~, biquad~, and vcf~) and make a cool patch that uses them.