Music 250a Fall, 2005 Stanford University

Term Project (due Monday, March 7):
Design and demonstrate a device which allows "expressive" control.
You must be able to:
- switch modes -- "expressive" and "non-expressive".
- perform March 7 in our class-room Wilbur C6.
- (optional) perform March 16 at the machine shop (Product Realization Lab).

You may team up with one or two other students.  If you like, your team can build more than one device if you have different ideas.  Try playing them as an ensemble.

----schedule - should be the same as in the course schedule ----

We will expect regular reports from every group, every Wednesday.**

Wednesday, February 9
**HW4:  Present an individual PROJECT PROPOSAL poster (11x17).

Use Verplank's interaction design framework (pages 8-10) from his Sketchbook:
"motivation: error or idea"
"meaning: scenario or metaphor"
"modes: task or model"
"mappings: input and outputs"

During class, we will review everyone's project proposals

Monday, February 14
Haptics review (BV)

Wednesday, February 16
**Form teams of two or three and present preliminary plan.

Monday, February 21
No class: Presidents' Day

Wednesday, February 23
**Progress Reports - who is doing what.

Monday, February 28
Work on Projects

Wednesday, March 2
**Demonstrate "Working Parts".

Monday, March 7
Final Presentation: Make a 10 minute presentation and demonstration of your controller.

Wednesday, March 9
Final class for review and discussion. Present written group report including:
-- a two-page NIME-like overview
-- any schematics and code as documentation of how it works
-- pointers to a computer archive of your work

Wednesday, March 16
tentative date for ccrma @ prl show!