Lab 2: AVR programming: buttons, lights, beeps, timing.

Assigned: Wednesday, January 12
Due date: Wednesday, January 19 (before the start of Lab 3).

You will do a lab writeup for this and all future labs. It should be a text file in which you keep notes about what you did (other than simply following these instructions), what you learned, what things didn't work and how you fixed them. It should also contain the answers to the questions posed in this writeup. You must turn in a copy of your writeup to receive credit for this lab (put it in an email or send a pointer).

0. Do the background reading

1. Complete the set-up of your ccrma environment.

2. Microcontroller Output:

3. Microcontroller Input / Output:

a. Momentary pushbutton

b. EXTRA CREDIT: Toggle pushbutton using debounce.

4. Four buttons:

5. Beep:

6. Compile, Run and Play the AVRsimon: