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Matlab listing: myspectrogram.m

function X = myspectrogram(x,nfft,fs,window,noverlap,doplot,dbdown);

%MYSPECTROGRAM Calculate spectrogram from signal.
%     spectrogram for the signal in vector A.  
% NFFT is the FFT size used for each frame of A.  It should be a
% power of 2 for fastest computation of the spectrogram.
% Fs is the sampling frequency. Since all processing parameters are
% in units of samples, Fs does not effect the spectrogram itself,
% but it is used for axis scaling in the plot produced when
% MYSPECTROGRAM is called with no output argument (see below).
% WINDOW is the length M window function applied, IN ZERO-PHASE
% FORM, to each frame of A.  M cannot exceed NFFT.  For M<NFFT,
% NFFT-M zeros are inserted in the FFT buffer (for interpolated
% zero-phase processing).  The window should be supplied in CAUSAL
% NOVERLAP is the number of samples the sections of A overlap, if
% nonnegative.  If negative, -NOVERLAP is the "hop size", i.e., the
% number of samples to advance successive windows.  (The overlap is
% the window length minus the hop size.)  The hop size is called
% NHOP below.  NOVERLAP must be less than M.
% If doplot is nonzero, or if there is no output argument, the 
% spectrogram is displayed.
% When the spectrogram is displayed, it is ``clipped'' dbdown dB
% below its maximum magnitude.  The default clipping level is 100 
% dB down.
% Thus, MYSPECTROGRAM splits the signal into overlapping segments of
% length M, windows each segment with the length M WINDOW vector, in
% zero-phase form, and forms the columns of B with their zero-padded,
% length NFFT discrete Fourier transforms.
% With no output argument B, MYSPECTROGRAM plots the dB magnitude of
% the spectrogram in the current figure, using
% IMAGESC(T,F,20*log10(ABS(B))), AXIS XY, COLORMAP(JET) so the low
% frequency content of the first portion of the signal is displayed
% in the lower left corner of the axes.
% Each column of B contains an estimate of the short-term,
% time-localized frequency content of the signal A.  Time increases
% linearly across the columns of B, from left to right.  Frequency
% increases linearly down the rows, starting at 0.
% If A is a length NX complex signal, B is returned as a complex
% matrix with NFFT rows and
%      k = floor((NX-NOVERLAP)/(length(WINDOW)-NOVERLAP)) 
%        = floor((NX-NOVERLAP)/NHOP)
% columns.  When A is real, only the NFFT/2+1 rows are needed when
% NFFT even, and the first (NFFT+1)/2 rows are sufficient for
% inversion when NFFT is odd.
% See also: Matlab's SPECTROGRAM and Octave's STFT function.
% 02/04/02/jos: Created
% 02/12/04/jos: Added dbdown
% 07/23/08/jos: Changed name from SPECTROGRAM to MYSPECTROGRAM

if nargin<7, dbdown=100; end
if nargin<6, doplot=0; end
if nargin<5, noverlap=256; end
if nargin<4, window=hamming(512); end
if nargin<3, fs=1; end
if nargin<2, nfft=2048; end

x = x(:); % make sure it's a column

M = length(window);
if (M<2) error(...
  'myspectrogram: Expect complete window, not just its length'); 
if (M<2) error(...
  'myspectrogram: Expect complete window, not just its length'); 
if length(x)<M % zero-pad to fill a window:
  x = [x;zeros(M-length(x),1)]; 
Modd = mod(M,2); % 0 if M even, 1 if odd
Mo2 = (M-Modd)/2;
w = window(:); % Make sure it's a column

if noverlap<0
  nhop = - noverlap;
  noverlap = M-nhop;
  nhop = M-noverlap;

nx = length(x);
%nframes = 1+floor((nx-noverlap)/nhop);
nframes = 1+ceil(nx/nhop);

X = zeros(nfft,nframes); % allocate output spectrogram

zp = zeros(nfft-M,1); % zero-padding for each FFT
xframe = zeros(M,1);
xoff = 0 - Mo2; % input time offset = half a frame
for m=1:nframes
%  M,Mo2,xoff,nhop
  if xoff<0
    xframe(1:xoff+M) = x(1:xoff+M); % partial input data frame
    if xoff+M > nx
      xframe = [x(xoff+1:nx);zeros(xoff+M-nx,1)];
      xframe = x(xoff+1:xoff+M); % input data frame
  xw = w .* xframe; % Apply window
  xwzp = [xw(Mo2+1:M);zp;xw(1:Mo2)];
  X(:,m) = fft(xwzp);
  xoff = xoff + nhop; % advance input offset by hop size

if (nargout==0) | doplot
  t = (0:nframes-1)*nhop/fs;
  f = 0.001*(0:nfft-1)*fs/nfft;
  Xdb = 20*log10(abs(X));
  Xmax = max(max(Xdb));
  % Clip lower limit to -dbdown dB so nulls don't dominate:
  clipvals = [Xmax-dbdown,Xmax];
  % grid;
  xlabel('Time (sec)');
  ylabel('Freq (kHz)');

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``Spectral Audio Signal Processing'', by Julius O. Smith III, W3K Publishing, 2011, ISBN 978-0-9745607-3-1.
Copyright © 2022-02-28 by Julius O. Smith III
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA),   Stanford University