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Previous performances at strictly Ballroom:

April 4, 2004: David Bithell
an evening of music / theater / performance art works featuring trumpet, invented instruments, and electronics, presented by composer / performer David Bithell.

March 8, 2004: Sebastian Berweck
a piano recital surveying the contemporary German musical landscape, including works by Benjamin Lang, Michael Maierhof, Tim Parkinson, Hannes G. Seidel, Thomas Wenk, James Saunders, and Johannes Schöllhorn.

February 22, 2004: Eric Rynes
a solo recital of contemporary works for the violin, featuring music by Pierre Boulez, Iannis Xenakis, Bruno Maderna, Jonathan Harvey, and Michael Alcorn.

January 25, 2004: Bob Bellerue
Los Angeles-based sound artist and composer Bob Bellerue performs music for glass, metal, amplified Indonesian gong and flute, electronics, programming, body and power.

January 14, 2004: NOISE
the contemporary music ensemble from San Diego presents a concert of works for flute, guitar, cello, piano, and percussion. Featuring Christopher Adler, Lisa Cella, Geoffrey Gartner, Colin McAllister, and Morris Palter.

November 18, 2003: installation, film, and video
an evening of new film, video, and sound works by emerging Bay Area artists, curated by Charles Boone of the San Francisco Art Institute. Plus interactive installations designed by composers at CCRMA.

October 23, 2003: new SF Tape Music Center
a concert of new and classic works for tape, diffused live over a multichannel sound system.

October 13, 2003: Nella mente di Pietro
Silvia Schiavoni (voice) and Giancarlo Schiaffini (trombone, electronics) present a multimedia work based on the writings of Niccolò Ammaniti.

April 12, 2003: Nicholas Chase
Los Angeles composer Nicholas Chase and guests performing works for turntables, electronics, voices, and piano.

April 11, 2003: sfSoundGroup
Bay Area composer-performers performing a program collaging transcriptions of classic avant-garde works with new improvisations and compositions.

March 14, 2003: Ann Yi
a recital of twentieth-century piano music, including works by Debussy, Donatoni, and Ligeti.

March 3, 2003: The Nonsense Company
San Diego-based ensemble The Nonsense Company performing new chamber works for piano, percussion, banjo, and accordion.

January 30, 2003: Morris Palter
a solo recital by Percussion virtuoso Morris Palter, featuring works by Karlheinz Stockhausen and James Dillon.

January 6, 2003: Gartner / ingalls / Jones trio
contemporary chamber music for cello, clarinet, and piano, featuring Helmut Lachenmann's Allegro Sostenuto.

November 21, 2002: CCRMA retrospective
celebrating the history of tape music composition at Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, with classic quadraphonic works by Chowning, Lopez-Lezcano, Loy, McNabb, Morrill, and Schottstaedt.

November 7, 2002: new multimedia works
an evening of new film, video, and sound works by emerging Bay Area artists; curated by Charles Boone of the San Francisco Art Institute.

October 24, 2002: jTheta: music of Alvin Lucier
music exploring the relationships between acoustical phenomena, conceptual art, and minimalism, by pioneering composer Alvin Lucier.

May 23, 2002: Christopher Jones
a solo piano recital featuring works by Alban Berg, John Cage, Nicolaus A. Huber, Matt Ingalls, Arnold Schoenberg, and Anton Webern.

May 16, 2002: Roaratoreyhough
a poetry reading by Brian Ferneyhough, and John Cage's radio artwork Roaratorio.

May 9, 2002: music from McGill
a program of new and classic tape music from the GEMS studio at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Curated by composer Ian Knopke.

May 4, 2002: music from Harvard and Brandeis
new electroacoustic music from the Boston area, curated by Ken Ueno, director of the Harvard Group for New Music.

February 21, 2002: jTheta performs John Cage
CCRMA's resident ensemble and guest cellist Loren Kiyoshi Dempster performing the music of John Cage, including Seven Haiku, Five, Theater Piece, Rozart Mix, and One8.

January 22, 2002: Mark Menzies
a solo violin recital featuring works by Christopher Burns, Ching-Wen Chao, Nicholas Frances Chase, Christopher Jones, Helmut Lachenmann, Luigi Nono, and Matthew Shlomowitz

January 17, 2002: Geoffrey Gartner
a solo cello recital featuring works by Alex Hills, Alberto Ginaster, Helmut Lachenmann, Rosalind Page, Damien Ricketson, and Matthew Shlomowitz

November 8, 2001: Iannis Xenakis memorial
a program of tape music remembering pioneering composer Iannis Xenakis

October 22, 2001: The Space Between
an evening with renowned improvisers Philip Gelb (shakuhachi), Pauline Oliveros (just-intonation accordion), and Dana Reason (piano)

October 4, 2001: Mechanical music
works for radios, pendulums, metronomes, and player piano, by Matthew Burtner, György Ligeti, Conlon Nancarrow, and Steve Reich

May 21, 2001: Clocked Out Trio
improvisations and compositions by Harry Castle (electronics), Erik Griswold (piano), and Vanessa Tomlinson (percussion)

May 7, 2001: Toco y me voy / Touch 'n' go
for multichannel tape, two actors, and dancer
Verónica Alvarez, José Barraza, Guilherme Coelho, performers
Ana Lúcia F.S. Keller, director
Damián Keller, composer

February 26, 2001: Christopher Jones
a piano recital featuring works by Matthew Burtner, Morton Feldman, and Petros Ovsepyan

February 15, 2001: Colombian computer music
featuring works on tape by Fabio Gonzalez Zuleta, Mauricio Bejarano, Ricardo Escallon, Roberto Garcia, Lucio Edilberto Cuellar, and Jaqueline Nova, curated by Juan Reyes

February 1, 2001: Lisa Cella
a solo flute recital featuring works by Brian Ferneyhough, Christopher Jones, Paul Koonce, Kaija Saariaho, and Matthew Shlomowitz

November 9, 2000: jTheta: Mikrophonie
featuring works by Christopher Burns, Damián Keller, Juan Reyes, and Karlheinz Stockhausen

October 26, 2000: new multimedia works
featuring works by Sanghee Park, Tyler Naifeh, Diane Frisbee, Spiros Ginis, Colter Jacobsen, Matthew Swiezynski, Sharon Glass, Mihyang Lee, R. Aaron Young, Nao Bustamante, Trevor Shimizu, and Erik Kistel.
curated by Charles Boone, San Francisco Art Institute

October 12, 2000: sculpture and architecture
works for piano and for sound sculptures by Mark Applebaum, and a new realization of Alvin Lucier's I Am Sitting In A Room

September 28, 2000: Chris Brown / Matt Ingalls
solo and duo improvisations for clarinet, piano, and electronics

June 1, 2000: John Bischoff / The Bran Pos
solo electronics improvisations


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