Using (G.54) to convert to normalized waves
, the
Kelly-Lochbaum junction (G.60) becomes
It is interesting to define
, always
possible for passive junctions since
, and note that
the normalized scattering junction is equivalent to a 2D rotation:
While it appears that scattering of normalized waves at a two-port junction requires four multiplies and two additions, it is possible to convert this to three multiplies and three additions using a two-multiply ``transformer'' to power-normalize an ordinary one-multiply junction [408].
The transformer is a lossless two-port defined by [127]
Figure G.20 illustrates the three-multiply normalized scattering junction [408]. The one-multiply junction of Fig. G.18 is normalized by the transformer on its left. Since the impedance discontinuity is created locally by the transformer, all wave variables in the delay elements to the left and right of the overall junction are at the same wave impedance. Thus, using transformers, all waveguides can be normalized to the same impedance, e.g., .
It is important to notice that and may have a large dynamic range in practice. For example, if , the transformer coefficients may become as large as . If is the ``machine epsilon,'' i.e., for typical -bit two's complement arithmetic normalized to lie in , then the dynamic range of the transformer coefficients is bounded by . Thus, while transformer-normalized junctions trade a multiply for an add, they require up to % more bits of dynamic range within the junction adders.