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Perfect Reconstruction Cosine Modulated Filter Banks

By changing the phases $ \phi_k$ , the pseudo-QMF filter bank can yield perfect reconstruction:

$\displaystyle \phi_k = \left(k+\frac{1}{2}\right)\left(L+1\right)\frac{\pi}{2}

where $ L$ is the length of the polyphase filter ($ M=LN$ ).

If $ M=2N$ , then this is the oddly-stacked Princen-Bradley filter bank, and the analysis filters are related by cosine modulations of the lowpass prototype:

$\displaystyle f_k(n) = h(n)\hbox{cos}\left[\left(n+\frac{N+1}{2}\right)\left(k+\frac{1}{2}\right)\frac{\pi}{N}\right],\, k=0:N-1

However, the length of the filters $ M$ can be any even multiple of $ N$ :

$\displaystyle M=LN, \quad (L/2) \in \cal{Z}

L is called the overlapping factor These filter banks are also referred to as Extended Lapped Transforms, when $ K \ge 2$ .

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``Multirate, Polyphase, and Wavelet Filter Banks'', by Julius O. Smith III, Scott Levine, and Harvey Thornburg, (From Lecture Overheads, Music 421).
Copyright © 2020-06-02 by Julius O. Smith III, Scott Levine, and Harvey Thornburg
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA),   Stanford University
CCRMA  [Automatic-links disclaimer]