This is Bert Schiettecatte's old website. For the current website visit




Welcome to Bert Schiettecatte's personal website!


I graduated in the computer science program at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) in July 2001 (summa cum laude).

I applied to CCRMA, Stanford University (the Master of Arts in Music, Science and Technology program), and graduated in July 2002. My studies in the US were supported by the BAEF.

In 2002-2004 I was doing research towards a PhD. I worked at ESAT (KULeuven) and  DSSP (VUB / ETRO).

October 2004, I started Percussa, a small company providing hardware and software design services. Check out the website!


Nov 26, 2004   The Audiocubes will be used in an art installation by myself and Peter Swinnen on December 5th, 2004, in the museum for modern art (MUHKA) in Antwerp, Belgium. We will be participating in the Time Canvas festival organized by Champ D'Action.
Oct 24 - Nov 2, 2004   I am currently visiting CCRMA and attending the AES convention in San Francisco later this week.
Wed, Oct 20, 2004   The laser harp is used in a scene in the movie Raise Your Voice which is currently playing in theatres in Los Angeles. Max Mathews' radio baton is also used in the same scene!
Tue, Oct 19, 2004   I started Percussa (custom software and hardware design with a user-centered approach).
Wed Jun 2, 2004   I have been making some updates to this website. If you are viewing this site with an Apple computer, some pictures, movies or sound files might not load. If you find such a file, please send me an email at bert [at] percussa [dot] com and include the link to the file that does not load. Thanks!
Sat May 15, 2004   Finally the first real AudioCube video from the test platform. Check out the AudioCubes website here.
Tue May 4, 2004   I just came back from the CHI 2004 conference in Austria. It was a very interesting experience and I'd like to thank the people who came by to see my poster and contributed valuable suggestions and comments. A video and sound examples from the AudioCube test platform will be available from this website in the near future.


Following documents published before October 2002 will be available from this website in the near future. Everything published later is available from the database of the research laboratories below or from scientific organizations (e.g. the ACM digital library).

Available from ESAT (SISTA) / KU Leuven:

  • Schiettecatte B., Nackaerts A., De Moor B., Real-time Acoustics Simulation using Mesh-Tracing. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2003, Singapore.

  • Nackaerts A., Schiettecatte B., De Moor B., Non-linear guitar body models. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2003, Singapore.

Available from DSSP / VUB :


  • Schiettecatte B. QOrchestra: a visual authoring tool for SAOL, Seminar, Departement of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, June 2000.

  • Schiettecatte B. Real-time reconfigurable DSP algorithms: Audiocubes. Wednesday Seminar, ETRO department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, January 2004.



I was a teaching assistant for two digital signal processing courses at DSSP and one course on data transmission at ESAT:

  • Digitale Signaal Verwerking (Digital Signal Processing)

  • Gevorderde Digitale Signaal Verwerking (Advanced Digital Signal Processing)

  • Informatieoverdracht (Data Transmission)

Current projects

I have an interest in examining how musicians interact with technology and how this interaction can be made more efficient, creative, and interesting. Check out the Audiocubes project.

Past projects

1996-1997 Editing software (over MIDI) for the Akai S2000 sampler (in Delphi)
1997-1998 A mini RPG text-based game system for Scheme
1998-1999 A mini version control system in Scheme using MySQL
1999-2000 QOrchestra: A Visual Authoring Tool for SAOL
2000-2001 Software engineering in real-time audio applications, Master's thesis
2001-2002 The Laser Harp project (while taking CCRMA's 250A+B course taught by Bill Verplank and Max Mathews)
2001-2002 Assisted Luigi Castelli in recording singer-songwriter Serena at the CCRMA studios.
2001-2002 Software for a system for sensing tap dance feet gestures, for tap dance professor Thomas Defrantz, for the Monk's Mood theatre performance at Stanford University. Read more here.
2002-2003 A new algorithm for acoustic simulation: Mesh-Tracing, designed while working at ESAT, KULeuven. Read the paper here to learn more about this algorithm.


  • Cordie T. Tuig - Eureka! - Uitvinders van instrumenten onthullen. Poppunt Magazine, May 2003.


  • Reading (see below)
  • Listening to all kinds of music (electronic, electro-acoustic, classical [harpsichord], jazz, ...)
  • Computer science (in particular software engineering, real-time systems, embedded hardware and software, signal processing, computer graphics, human-computer interaction, ...)
  • Latin-american culture (in particular music and dancing!)

Currently Reading

  • Titan - The life of J.D. Rockefeller, Sr (Ron Chernow)
  • Modern Optical Engineering (Warren J. Smith)
  • The Profit Zone (A.J. Slywotzky & D.J. Morrison)
  • The Two Cultures (C.P. Snow)
  • The Humane Interface (J. Raskin)
  • Fundamentals of Acoustics (L.E. Kinsler, A.R. Frey, A.B. Coppens, J.V. Sanders)


Some links I find interesting.

email: bert [at] percussa [dot] com