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For the simple harmonic oscillator, find a bound on $du/dt$\ in te... constants $a_{1}$\ and $a_{2}$\ in terms of initial conditions.

For the scheme \eqref{shofd2}, find a bound on the solution size i...
...rough the expressions for the energy given in \eqref{shoegyother}.

Prove that the differential equation given in \eqref{hbardef} holds in the case of the linear oscillator with loss \eqref{sholoss}.

Find a general real-valued solution to \eqref{sholoss} under the c...
...ermine the values of any constants in terms of initial conditions.

The deviation in cents\index{cent} of a frequency $f$\ (in Hertz) ...
...e of $\alpha = 0.82$, what is the minimum value of this deviation?

Consider the expression \eqref{sholossroots} for the roots of th...
...f solution will be produced, and will it be physically reasonable?

Considering scheme \eqref{shofdloss2} for the simple harmonic os...
...\delta_{tt}u = -\omega_{0}^2 u-2\sigma\delta_{t+}u

Consider the following approximation to the lossy SHO \eqref{sholo... conditions, and show that it will be dependent on $\omega_{0}$.

Considering the exact two-step recursion \eqref{sholossexact} f...
...amma$\ and $\epsilon$\ in terms of $\sigma$\ and $\omega_{0}$.

Consider the finite difference scheme for the oscillator given by...
...characteristic polynomial for this scheme, and find the roots,

For scheme \eqref{shofd}, under the condition \eqref{shocfl}, prov... analysis and energetic techniques, respectively, are identical.

Stefan Bilbao 2006-11-15