An embedded system is a controller with a dedicated function within a mechanical or electrical system. Modern embedded systems are often based on micro controllers (i.e. microprocessors with integrated memory and peripheral interfaces), but ordinary microprocessors are also common, especially in more complex systems. In either case, application types may range from general purpose to those specialized applications, and even custom designed for a purpose at hand. Later on micro-computers are also used to embed applications for specific objectives.
Furthermore, a microcontroller is essentially a small computer on a
chip. Like any computer, it has memory, and can be programmed to do
calculations, receive input, and generate output. Unlike a PC, it
incorporates memory, a CPU, peripherals and I/O interfaces into a
single chip. Microcontrollers are ubiquitous, found in almost every
electronic device from ovens to iPods. More on the subject
Examples of embedded systems at CCRMA among others, include:
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Created and Mantained by Juan Reyes