Wiring is an open project initiated by
Hernando Barragan currently on development at la Universidad de Los
Andes in Colombia. It consists of an IDE, a programming environment,
and an electronics board with an AVR micro-controller for projects
surrounding electronic arts, tangible media, teaching and learning
computer programming or prototyping with electronics. It illustrates
the concept of programming with electronics and the physical realm of
hardware control which are necessary to explore physical interaction
design and tangible media aspects.
Arduino, based on
Wiring, is an open-source electronics platform
also based on Atmel micro-controllers, providing easy-to-use hardware and
software implementations. Arduino was born at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute
as an easy tool for fast prototyping, aimed at students without a
background in electronics and programming.
Avrlib can also be used on Wiring and Arduino since both
are based on Atmel AT-Mega chipsets. A tutorial with information and
instructions can be found at AVRLIB on Wiring and Arduino.
There are tons of information on the subject matter of “Physical
Interaction Design” (PID) at CCRMA on the PID
Wiki. Recall PID is about the relationship between
users, the devices they use, the tasks they accomplish, and people who
receive this output. PID is used for new music controllers (NMC).
© Copyright 2001-2022 CCRMA, Stanford University. All rights reserved.
Created and Mantained by Juan Reyes