Course Schedule
Week 1 - Data-driven research in music cognition
Friday, January 13
Introduction; course overview; course logistics
Project ideas and scope
Homework 1 assigned
Week 2 - Current research
Friday, January 20
Discussion of current literature in the field
Review of publicly available datasets for music research
Homework 2 assigned
Week 3 - Audio
Friday, January 27
Lecture and discussion with special guest Steve Tjoa (
Homework 3 assigned
Project meetings with instructor
Week 4 - Discovery
Friday, February 3
Lecture and discussion with special guests from Shazam
Homework 4 assigned
Week 5 - Neuroscience
Friday, February 10
Lecture and discussion with special guest Nick Gang (CCRMA)
HW5: Prepare annotated bibliography and study design
Week 6 - Bibiliography and design
Friday, February 17
Project discussions: Literature review and study design
No HW6
Week 7 - MIR in Practice
Friday, February 24
Lecture and discussion with special guest Cameron Turner (The Data Guild)
Lecture and discussion with special guest Oriol Nieto (Pandora)
HW7: Prepare preliminary draft and analysis/results presentations
Week 8 - Methods and analysis
Friday, March 3
CCRMA Open House
Presentations of project analyses and interim findings
Lecture and discussion with special guest Ryan Groves (Melodrive)
Week 9 - Creativity
Friday, March 10
(If needed) Finish presentations of project analyses and interim findings
Lecture and discussion with special guests from Magenta (Google Brain)
Prepare for final presentations
Paper drafts due TBD
Week 10 - Final presentations
Friday, March 17
Final project presentations—tentatively scheduled for 12:00-3:00pm, CCRMA Seminar Room
Finals - Final papers
Final papers are due by the end of the scheduled Final Exam time (3:15pm Friday, March 24)