Course Materials

MUSIC 250A / CS377C
Human Computer Interaction Theory and Practice:
Designing New Devices

Setting Up Your Account

There are some changes that need to be made to your account settings in order to do the labs for this course. There are two ways of making these changes. You can make these changes by executing a script or you can do everything manually:

Option 1 - execute the script

  • Log into your ccrma account and execute the setup script by typing:

    ~>cd ~

    Option 2- make the changes yourself

    This require facility with a text editor and an understanding of "dot files".

  • Add the following to your .cshrc file:
    alias kermit1 kermit -y /usr/ccrma/courses/250a/etc/ccrmattyS0.ini
    alias kermit2 kermit -y /usr/ccrma/courses/250a/etc/ccrmattyS1.ini 
  • Add the following to your .pdrc file (or, if you have no .pdrc file, create a new one with these contents):
    -alsa -midiindev 2 -midioutdev 2 -path /usr/ccrma/courses/250a/pd/externs -path /usr/ccrma/courses/250a/pd/patches -lib OSC -lib zexy -lib percolate

    You can do this by navigating to your home directory (e.g., by typing "cd ~"), opening (or creating) the file ".pdrc" in an editor, and copying that text into the file.

  • Copy and uncompress the avrlib and avrlib-demos.
    • Go to your home directory
    • From that directory, uncompress the avrlib and the avrlib-demos:
      tar xzf /usr/ccrma/web/html/courses/250a/avrlib/avrlib_ccrma
      tar xzf /usr/ccrma/web/html/courses/250a/avrlib/avrlib-demos

    This will create two directories at your $HOME directory called avrlib and avrlib-demos. The first is the library created by Pascal Stang, the second are demo programs for the 250a Labs.


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    Last modified: Mon Oct 4 16:56:46 PDT 2003