Course Materials

MUSIC 250A / CS377C
Human Computer Interaction Theory and Practice:
Designing New Devices

Stanford University, Winter Quarter 2004-2005

NOTE: this is a repeat of the Autumn Quarter class.  Same time/place.

Location: C06F in Wilbur Modular C, CCRMA's temporary home. map
Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10:15 - 11:45 a.m. plus a 2-hour lab
Instructors: Bill Verplank (
Max Mathews (
TA: Patricio de la Cuadra (
Woon Seung Yeo (

12/07/04 - Project Videos 2004
09/07/04 - See the "Getting Started" section on the Class Material page with information on setting up your CCRMA environment, and using our Linux system. There are also links to documentation for the materials we will be using in class and labs.
09/07/04 - Website updated for 2004-05 - bill verplank

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Last modified: August 26, 2005