Human Computer Interaction Theory and Practice: Designing New Devices |
IntroductionHow is the style of human-computer interaction dependent on the
devices (controls and dislpays)? What's beyond mouse, pen and game controllers?
Can we invent new devices, new styles?
What happens when every light switch, appliance and vending machine has a computer in it and the mapping between what I do and what the device does is completely arbitrary? When should I use buttons, when handles? What are the ways that we can sense people? What are the requirements
for bandwidth, sampling rate, resolution, linearity? What is the role of
feedback, sensory mode, dynamics?
How can I quickly prototype working controls with sensors, signal processing and micro-processors? How should we evaluate effectiveness of a new device? What quantitative models and measures of human performance are useful? Are music controllers a special case or can we learn general lessons
from them? What is MIDI and why has it been so important to electronic
and computer music? Beyond efficiency and ease of use, what roles can skill
and expression play in human-computer interaction?