Let's look at the polyphase representation for this example. Starting with the filter bank and its reconstruction (see Fig.11.17), the polyphase decomposition of is
(12.31) |
(12.32) |
The polyphase representation of the filter bank and its reconstruction can now be drawn as in Fig.11.18. Notice that the reconstruction filter bank is formally the transpose of the analysis filter bank [263]. A filter bank that is inverted by its own transpose is said to be an orthogonal filter bank, a subject to which we will return §11.3.8.
Commuting the downsamplers (using the noble identities from §11.2.5), we obtain Figure 11.19. Since , this is simply the OLA form of an STFT filter bank for , with , and rectangular window . That is, the DFT size, window length, and hop size are all 2, and both the DFT and its inverse are simply sum-and-difference operations.