... 1
Work supported by the Wallenberg Global Learning Network
... CCRMA2
See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karplus-Strong_string_synthesis
... average.6
Exact resonance tuning is found by determining the poles of the system and their angles in the $z$-plane [12]. More relevant perceptually are the frequencies of local maxima in the magnitude frequency response.
... composition7
``Silicon Valley Breakdown'' by David A. Jaffe
... integer.8
One may also use rounding to the nearest integer, which can be defined as $\lfloor x+0.5\rfloor$.
... phenomenon:9
A ``spectral modeling filter'' of this nature is only needed for spectrally monotonous excitations such as the KS digitar noise burst. A proper physical string-excitation model should have this behavior built in.
The $-3$dB-gain frequency $\omega_1$ is often called the break frequency in the context of classical control design. This is because, as frequency $\omega$ increases from $0$, the pole at $s=-\omega_1$ has little effect on the frequency response until $\omega\approx\omega_1$, where the pole ``breaks,'' resulting in a $-6$dB/octave roll-off in the amplitude response for higher frequencies ( $\omega\gg\omega_1$).
... guitars.12
The faust2pd distribution includes a ``Fuzz effect,'' based on taking an absolute value, in the file karplusplus.dsp.
... pedal16
``Original CryBaby,'' Model GCB-95
... Octave17
... matlab19
Here, ``matlab'' refers to the matlab language, as opposed to the Matlab product by The Mathworks, Inc. The program octave (http://www.octave.org), including the octave-forge collection, was used to execute all matlab scripts in this module. In a few cases, octplot was used for figures in place of the standard gnuplot used by octave. All software used for this project is free and open-source, to the author's knowledge.
... code.22