Music 3SI

Introduction to Audio/Multimedia Application Programming

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Music 3SI is an introduction to various topics of audio/multimedia programming. We explore the basics of programming tools and environments, software libraries, graphic user interface design, audio plug-in architecture, and network communication.
As an introductory course, it is primarily targeted at musicians, artists, and/or entry-level programmers who want to develop their own softwares. On the other hand, it provides an overview of audio/multimedia programming topics to advanced programmers.
This course is also designed to serve as a series of practical programming tutorial sessions for a number of courses offered at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA).

Music 3SI is supported by funding from the Stanford Institute for Creativity and the Arts.


6/9/06: Final presentation: 1:15 pm, CCRMA classroom

List of final projects will be posted soon.

5/17/06: Realtime on CCRMA Linux, GUI tutorials, & final project proposal

It turned out that we have to use two more libraries - asound and jack - to compile Stk with realtime support (RtAudio). Therefore, the g++ command & options should be something like:
g++ -g -o ex ex.cpp -I/usr/include/lib -lstk -lasound -ljack
All the example files (ex5.cpp through ex14.cpp) have been modified to reflect this change.
Sorry about the confusion this might have caused.
Tutorials for Stk GUI programming with Cocoa and Qt are online.
Final project proposal is (officially) due this week :) .
Your final project can be about anything. One practical approach, however, might be to start from your assignment 2 and then add some new features to it (thereby saving some serious time and effort).
You can work either individually, or as a team (of two), for your final project.

5/4/06: Cocoa, assignment 1 & 2, & office hours

As announced via email, we will cover Cocoa GUI programming tomorrow: we will begin with introduction to Cocoa, which will be followed by step-by-step demo of making a simple Stk GUI application.
To turn in assignment 1 (which is due tomorrow), please email me your code. Also, let me know if you need any help (or more time).
Assignment 2 will be handed out tomorrow.
Like last week, my office hours will be on Tuesday:
  • Tue (5/9): 11 am - 1 pm
  • Knoll seminar room (on the 3rd floor)

4/22/06: assignment 1, tutorial, office hours, & 4/28

assignment 1 is now online: tutorial from 4/21 should provide useful examples for the assignment.
I have office hours on Monday and Tuesday:
  • Mon (4/24): 1 - 3 pm
  • Tue (4/25): 11 am - 1 pm
  • Knoll seminar room (on the 3rd floor)
In this week's class (4/28), we will review some advanced topics for assignment 1 and move over to VST plug-ins.

4/16/06: course email list, tutorial, & office hours

We got a course email list: 3si AT ccrma DOT stanford DOT edu.
From now on, I will send out announcements to this address. You can also use it if you want to say something to the whole class. Also, please note that the "si" in this address are lowercase letters, while the URL of course webpage is "3SI".
Tutorial from 4/14 is now posted. It contains the sample codes shown in class, and the instructions for setting up your Mac for the class. Please let me know if you have any questions, or find any errors.
Regarding computer setup and class review, I will hold office hours on Monday and Tuesday. Please email me beforehand if you would come.
  • Mon (4/17): 12 - 2 pm
  • Tue (4/18): 1 - 2:30 pm
  • Knoll seminar room (on the 3rd floor)

4/11/06: first class meeting

Thanks for coming to the first class and answering the survey questions last Friday! We covered the administrative information of the class, and went over some demos of applications that we will work on this quarter. If you are interested in Music 3SI but couldn't come, please check the course syllabus, survey form, and lecture slides.
CCRMA account applications will be processedd within a day or two: your temporary password will be handed out in class.

3/27/06: course website open.
Announcements  |  Course Info  |  Weekly Schedule  |  Tutorials  |  Links

Music 3SI / Spring 2006 / CCRMA, Stanford University
Woon Seung Yeo
Last updated: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 02:56:53 -0700