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Homework #3: ECG Sequencer

Sebastian James


Target OS: Mac OSX Big Sur 11.6

To Build the App:
1. Download the ZIP file 2. Decompress the .zip file and open the Application.

To Build the Chunity Asset:
1. Download the ZIP file for the Chunity Asset.
2. Decompress the .zip file.
3. In a Unity URP (Universal Render Pipeline) Project, click Assets -> Import Asset -> Custom Package and then select the decompressed .unity file.

A Final Note

I modeled my visualizer after an electrocardiogram (ECG). Studying both premed and music, I often find myself straddled between two worlds. However, I found that this project gave me an opportunity to attempt to "sonify" medicine. I wanted to create a visualizer which could, yes, create music in the same way a MIDI synthesizer can, but which also could take pre existing models and biodata and "sonify" it.

Being brutally honest, I did not enjoy starting this project. I constantly felt like I knew enough to do something, but NOT enough to do what I wanted. I found the disconnect between C# scripting and ChucK code very confusing at first. In fact, I rewrote my code several times in order to better understand how everything was connected. However, just like with most projects, there came a time when it suddenly "clicked". My creative freedom was able to take charge and I was no longer hindered by trivial tasks such as figuring out how a button works. I found myself spending more time attending to my strength of coding as opposed to being frustrated by my weakness of not being able to 3D model. Once I fully grasped the interaction between Unit and ChucK via global variables, I found that my workflow between building a graphical interface and driving it via a ChucK script to actually become fun. I do, however, wish we had more time. I felt like just as I had "cracked" this assignment, it was due. As I am handing it in, my mind is flooding with possibilities of feature I wish I had added – I will hold onto those possibilities for the final project.

I did not use any pre-existing assets.

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Homework 3 Milestones Archive ECG Sequencer App ECG Sequencer Chunity Package