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Homework #3: Music Sequencer

Sebastian James

Milestone 2: The ECG Synthesizer

milestone 2 screenshot
screenshot of my music sequencer

For my Music Sequencer, I settled on a modeled electrocardiogram. Here, I have completed the initial design for the visualizer and integrated it with ChucK timing. I am working on incorporating the ability to upload files with real ECG data and translating them into an sonification of biodata. I am still running into a few bugs with planes not updating their colors when they should. Also, no polyphony is working on the grid when it should. For example, when two cells are stacked in the same column, the should play a chord. Now, they are just playing the bottom most note.

Milestone 1: Chickenser Tutorial and Research

As suggested, the Chickenser tutorial was useful to learn about audio-driven events as opposed to graphical driven. However, I simply watched the tutorial to learn about audio-driven events, not to set up my starter project. Beyond that, I plan to start from scratch as opposed to copying and pasting some of the tutorial code.

Sequencer Ideas:

piano roll
inner workings of a piano

It appears that at the most basic definition, a music sequencer is a set of software or hardware which can record and/or playback a series of notes programmed by a musician. One of the first sequencers in "Western Music" was the piano roll. I found the piano roll a simple example to learn about what should/shouldn't be the capability of a music sequencer. Furthermore, it appears that the evolution of music sequencers has gradually favored software over hardware, eventually bringing us MIDI. As such, I want to use the music sequencer project to explore how the literal, physiological aspects of human are responsible for music just as is the higher level cortex we have developed over millions of years of evolution. Wikipedia: Music Sequencer

My Music Sequencer Ideas:
  1. Vinyl Record Player
  2. vinyl
  3. Electro Cardiogram (ECG) Trace
  4. ecg trace
  5. "Operation" Type Humancer
  6. human outline