The Sound of a Plectrum, Finger or Fingernail Plucked String


1) The usual Karplus-Strong


2) The commuted synthesis

Commuted synthesis (body-string)

3) The effect of initial displacement shape

Sharp-cornerd displacement (pick-like)
Smooth displacement (finger-like)

4) The non-physical attack-decay envelope control

Slow attack, white noise excitation (finger-like or something more rough and dry actually)
Slow attack, lowpass filtered white noise
Fast attack, white noise excitation (more plectrum-like)
Fast attack, lowpass filtered white noise
Fast attack, bandpass filtered white noise

5) The pre-recorded sample excitation

Finger-nail pluck on a metal string

6) The bowed string model

STK Bowed (with Friedlander-upgrade)

Last updated 9/10/02
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