CAML, McGill University

Guitar Measurements (2024)

Measurements of various guitars with data provided. All measurements include calibrated force hammer impacts and laser Doppler vibrometer measurements, while some included calibrated microphone measurements as well.

CCRMA, Stanford University

Augmented Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer (2022)

An augmentation for a single-point laser Doppler vibrometer to perform scanning measurements. The augmentation consists of a mirror galvanometer, impact hammer controller, and 3D printed mounting hardware.

Guitar Pickup Processing with Damping (2020-Present)

A signal processing method to make an electric guitar sound like a measured acoustic guitar. Admittance measurements from an acoustic guitar are used to create filters which can be applied in a time-varrying fashion to match the equalization and damping of a processed electric guitar to that of the measured acoustic guitar.

3D Printed Acoustic and Vibration Measurement Tools (2019-Present)

A few tools I have printed to help with acoustics and vibration measurements. 3D printing provides opportunities for low-cost yet specialized tools which are accessible to instrument makers and researchers on a budget.

Water Bottle Synthesis with Modal Signal Processing (2020)

Who doesn't enjoy the sound of their metal water bottle when struck? This project uses accelerometer, microphone, and laser Doppler vibrometer measurements to create a modal synthesizer of a water bottle with varying water and sticker levels.

Measurement and Modeling of a Resonator Guitar (2019)

Admittance measurements were made on a resonator guitar using a force shaker at multiple levels showing that the thin aluminum cone is nonlinear at high amplitudes, resulting in the mode frequencies shifting. A time-varying modal waveguide synthesis architecture was made to model this behavior.

Improved Carillon Synthesis (2019)

An improved and expanded method for carillon bell synthesis. Measurements of a carillon bell and its clapper were made to serve as the basis for an efficient synthesis framework which includes a parameterized clapper contact model.


000-28 Style Acoustic Guitar (2019-Present)

After spending so much time studying and taking measurements of guitars, I decided I should try to build one myself. I didn't have all the tools or skills necessary to start from scratch, so I decided to start with a kit. This project has taught me a lot about woodworking and luthiery.

Telecaster (2020)

I had wanted a telecaster for a while and decided it would be more economical and enjoyable to build a kit than to buy a complete tele. The kit wasn't nearly as involved as the acoustic kit, but was enjoyable nonetheless.