Homework #2
Homework 2: AudioVisualizer

Marise Van Zyl
October, 18, 2021
Music 256A / CS476a, Stanford University

Hearing Colors

Don't do drugs, kids!

Screenshot Collage

Demo Video
Watch the Demo

Narrative Video
Watch the Narrative


Production Build
This program is built for MacOs

Unity Project
Click to open Unity Project Folder

Ideas and Comments
This visual program had many challenges. I had 3 different versions, each with its own problems, limitations, and opportunities. During my first 2 attemps, I relied heavily on models and placing them manually in the scene. I used the visual interface much more than actually scripting anything. This was not beneficial to my learning and with my final iteration, I decided to take a different route. I tried to do everything in my visualizer through code. I limited myself to using only capsules - a random choice, because I've seen a lot of spheres and cubes, but rarely capsules. Once I had my 3D object, I began coding. I wrote lines upon lines of code. I have multiple scripts, most of them barely work, but they are remnants of things tried. I learnt a lot about scripting for Unity and I'm glad I did it this way.

Is this my ideal visualizer? No.
Did I learn much more this way? Definitely yes!


Reading Response #2
Reading Response #3
Reading Response #4

/Chunity Progress Report

I have completed all 3 tutorials and honestly I found Rollaball to be the most tricky. I have completed it before, but somehow switching to a Mac has made everything new again. I also had a problem with my mouse giving input to Unity and only found that out after HOURS of trying to get the damned little blue ball to move. Once I figured that out, everything went smoothly and it was pretty easy. I put off 256A because I hadn't coded before and I took a cs coding course instead last fall. Turns out, that was the best idea ever. I find the script-writing super manageable and I understand what is happening in the different functions etc. Intergrating ChucK into Unity was a stretch, but the tutorial was super well laid out and I eventually figured it all out.

PART 3: ***IdEaS***

SO here is where I post my brilliant ideas? Stay tuned.
Idea #1
A flying airplane with a scrolling blue sky (but will it stay sunny and blue?) The smoke stream behind the plane will have the time domain visualized. The frequency domain, I don't know yet. Perhaps something with the weather? The colors of the airplane? The airplane windows. There are a lot of options for customization.
Idea #2
A buffet of sound visualization. A BuFF(e)T if you will. A Buffer Utilizing FFT. The different elements of the buffet will visualize the different elements. It will be a glorious feast of dsp - yum!


I have chosen to continue with the idea of the scrolling sky and the plane. It was the idea for which I had the most formalized plan and ideas of how to actually implement it. I have created a scrolling blue sky using a rotating sphere with a cloud texture on it. For the plane, I just used a model from online. I added a small shake movement to the plane so that it's not just static on the screen. I can control how much and how fast it shakes. I have also added just a green block as a place holder for the green rolling hills that will hopefully come once I implement the history waterfall for the frequency domain. I also want to change more elements in the scene, such as the weather, or the shake of the plane and make these all dependent on the sound input. First I need to figure out how to get the different elements that I currently have to be in the right place and working properly.

Here is a tentative screenshot:

Milestone Screenshot

Here's a short snippet showing what the audio visualizer can do for now.

Watch here!