Play 'round
Line Member List
This is the complete list of members for Line, including all inherited members.
draw() (defined in Line)Line [virtual]
getDistance(Point2D pos)Line [virtual]
getP1() (defined in Line)Line [inline, virtual]
getP2() (defined in Line)Line [inline, virtual]
getParallelPosition(Point2D pos) (defined in Line)Line [virtual]
Line(Point2D p1, Point2D p2) (defined in Line)Line
m_color (defined in Shape)Shape [protected]
m_fDirected (defined in Shape)Shape [protected]
m_fDotted (defined in Shape)Shape [protected]
m_lineWidth (defined in Shape)Shape [protected]
m_p1 (defined in Line)Line [protected]
m_p2 (defined in Line)Line [protected]
setColor(Color color) (defined in Shape)Shape [inline, virtual]
setDirected(bool fDirected) (defined in Shape)Shape [inline, virtual]
setDotted(bool fDotted) (defined in Shape)Shape [inline, virtual]
setLineWidth(float lineWidth) (defined in Shape)Shape [inline, virtual]
setPoints(Point2D p1, Point2D p2) (defined in Line)Line [inline, virtual]
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