Projects / Non-Exponentially Decaying Late-field Reverberation

A Reverberator with Two-Stage Decay and Onset Time Controls

Keun Sup Lee and Jonathan S. Abel

Background: Room acoustics in the complex spaces

Example #1. Balcony in the opera hall

Balcony in the opera hall
(photo from oscar wilde)

Example #2. Separated rooms by the almostly closed door

Separated room with a hallway
(photo from arealhousewifeofnyc)

Efficient Reverberator Structure for Non-Exponentially Decaying Reverberation

   Efficient structure for non-exponential decay

Comb Filter Structures

Two-Stage Decay Using Parallel Comb Filters

- Comb Filter Structure:

Parallel Comb Filter Structure

- Comb Filter Equation:
 Parallel Comb Filter Equation
Two-stage Decay

Delayed Onset Using Series Comb Filters

- Comb Filter Structure:

Series Comb Filter Structure

- Comb Filter Equation:
 Series Comb Filter Equation
Delayed Onset

Switched Convolution Reverberator with the Second-Order Comb Filter

SC Reverb with 2nd-order comb filter


Result IR
Sound Samples

1. Two-stage Decay
  • Impulse Response  IR Sample for Two-stage Decay
  • Drum Sample        Drum Sample for Two-stage Decay
2. Delayed Onset
  • Impulse Response  IR Sample for Delayed Onset
  • Drum Sample        Drum Sample for Delayed Onset
 * Original Drum Sample Original Drum Sample

Demo VST Plug-in


1. For all sound samples, the reverberation time of the comb filter C2(z) is fixed to 2 second.
2. For the case of two-stage decay, that of C1(z) is 0.5 second, and for the case of delayed onset, it is 1.5 second.

Posted on Oct. 25, 2010