We now derive the digital waveguide formulation by sampling the traveling-wave solution to the wave equation. It is easily checked that the lossless 1D wave equation is solved by any string shape which travels to the left or right with speed [6]. Denote right-going traveling waves in general by and left-going traveling waves by , where and are assumed twice-differentiable. Then, as is well known, the general class of solutions to the lossless, one-dimensional, second-order wave equation can be expressed as
Figure 2 shows a signal flow diagram for the computational model of Eq. (6), which is often called a digital waveguide model (for the ideal string in this case) [25,29]. Note that, by the sampling theorem, it is an exact model so long as the initial conditions and any ongoing additive excitations are bandlimited to less than half the temporal sampling rate [27, Appendix G].
Note also that the position along the string, meters, is laid out from left to right in the diagram, giving a physical interpretation to the horizontal direction in the diagram, even though spatial samples have been eliminated from explicit consideration. (The arguments of and have physical units of time.)
The left- and right-going traveling wave components are summed to produce a physical output according to