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Summarizing the previous sections, we say that a compressed spring
holds a potential energy equal to the work required to
compress the spring from rest to its current displacement. If a
compressed spring is allowed to expand by pushing a mass, as in the
system of Fig.B.2, the potential energy in the spring
is converted to kinetic energy in the moving mass.
We can draw some inferences from the oscillatory motion of the
mass-spring system written in Eq.(B.5):
- From a global point of view, we see that
energy is conserved, since the oscillation never decays.
- At the peaks of the displacement
is either
), all energy is in the form of potential energy,
i.e., the spring is either maximally compressed or stretched, and the mass
is momentarily stopped as it is changing direction.
- At the zero-crossings of
, the spring is momentarily
relaxed, thereby holding no potential energy; at these instants, all
energy is in the form of kinetic energy, stored in the motion of the mass.
- Since total energy is conserved (§B.2.5), the kinetic
energy of the mass at the displacement zero-crossings is exactly the
amount needed to stretch the spring to displacement
(or compress
it to
) before the mass stops and changes direction. At all
times, the total energy
is equal to the sum of the potential
stored in the spring, and the kinetic energy
stored in the mass:
Regarding the last point, the potential energy,
defined as the work required to displace the spring by
where work was defined in Eq.(B.6). The kinetic energy of a mass
moving at speed
was found to be
. The constance of the potential plus
kinetic energy at all times in the mass-spring oscillator is easily
obtained from its equation of motion using the trigonometric identity
(see Problem 3).
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