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Overlap-Add Signal Decomposition

Consider breaking the input signal $ x$ , into frames using a finite, zero-centered, length $ M$ (odd) window. Let $ x_m$ denote the $ m^{th}$ frame.

$\displaystyle x_m(n) \mathrel{\stackrel{\Delta}{=}}x(n)w(n-mR) \hspace{1cm} n \in (-\infty, +\infty)


$\displaystyle x_m \mathrel{\stackrel{\Delta}{=}}x \cdot \hbox{\sc Shift}_{mR}(w)


$\displaystyle R \mathrel{\stackrel{\Delta}{=}}\hbox{frame step (hop size)} \hspace{2cm}
m \mathrel{\stackrel{\Delta}{=}}\hbox{frame index}

The hop size is the number of samples between adjacent frames. Specifically, it is the number of samples by which we advance each succesive window.

For fast convolution only, choose

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``FFT Signal Processing: The Overlap-Add (OLA) Method for Fourier Analysis, Modification, and Resynthesis'', by Julius O. Smith III, (From Lecture Overheads, Music 421).
Copyright © 2020-06-27 by Julius O. Smith III
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA),   Stanford University
CCRMA  [Automatic-links disclaimer]