About Me

I got my M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Antwerp in 2007. My Master's thesis was about sinusoidal modeling of polyphonic audio. After that, I started a Ph.D. at the VisionLab of the Physics department at the same university. My advisor is prof. dr. Paul Scheunders, and my personal webpages including a list of publications can be found here.

Dr. Wim D'haes, founder of the startup company Mu Technologies, was the advisor of my Master's thesis and is co-advisor of my Ph.D work. I am funded by a specialization grant from the Institute for Innovation through Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT). The project is entitled "sinusoidal analysis based on audio-to-score alignment".

My research interests are mostly related to music information retrieval, machine listening, and spectral modeling of audio signals in a broad sense. My background in computer science left traces of interest in database technologies, multimedia in general, and artificial intelligence. I enjoy geeky humor, books, TV shows and comics.

In my free time, I try to keep my abilities as an amateur pianist more or less up to date. An extensive history in student government is now behind me, but instead I became involved in several initiatives for the promotion of Computer Science education, as there are the ACM Antwerp Student Chapter and the Belgian Olympiad in Informatics.


With all this traveling abroad, I've accumulated email accounts along the way and left several webpages scattered around. The most reliable way to get in touch is through the email address that features on my UA employee page. I can be found on Facebook and LinkedIn as well, but prefer to be contacted by email.