Juan-Pablo Cáceres

Projects and Research

The following partially outlines some of the work I'm doing and have done in recent years.

SoundWIRE Research Group

I have been working on the SoundWIRE Research Group at CCRMA, Stanford University for the last couple of years as part of my PhD studies.

We are concerned with the use of Internet networks as an extension to computer music performance, composition and research. Research areas include:

» Professional-Quality Multi-Channel Audio Streaming
» Internet Physical Models and Virtual Acoustics
» Sonification of Network Reliability
» Human factor (psychoacoustics) in Network Performance
» Internet/Computer/Acoustic Music Performance Practice

We are exploring ways not only of minimizing network delays so as to allow distant players to perform together live, but also to employ delay as a structural musical element that may, for example, give rise to works that are heard differentially on either side of the internet divide.

Music in Virtual Worlds (MvW)
Intersections Between Real and Virtual Performance Spaces

The MvW group deals with the intersections between musical performance/composition and the use of virtual environments as controlling and performative spaces. I've been working mainly with Robert Hamilton on performances that involve virtual world musicians and acoustic performers, in particular with the Stanford Humanities Lab and computer science project Sirikata.

» MvW Site
» Una Serata in Sirikata

Network Performance Software

Chris Chafe and I have been developing JackTrip, a Linux and Mac OS X-based system used for multi-machine network performance over the Internet. It supports any number of channels (as many as the computer/network can handle) of bidirectional, high quality, uncompressed audio signal steaming.

JackTrip has been widely used in network performances concerts. It has recently been selected as the software of choice for the European CoMeDia project.

We are always looking for developers so if you're interested, please contact me!

Network Performance
Concerts Across the World

We've been doing a lot of music in the network in the last few years. Or, as Chris Chafe put it, "We're getting to a point where it feels strange sometime to play in the same room".

Some highlight include performance with Pauline Oliveros, a highly produced and press-covered concert with China (picture), performances in conferences like ICMC, Siggraph and ICAD.

The Net vs. Net Collective, a collective of musicians that Alain Renaud and I founded, performs regularly between the US and Europe.

Yamaha Mass Project
Masking Ambient Speech Sounds

A team at CCRMA worked in this project to create a masker to use in office and other types of spaces. This was a joint project with Yamaha's Center for Advanced Sound Technologies Innovative Technology Group.

The aim of a solution is to carpet a living or working area unobtrusively in a way that enhances privacy and minimizes unwanted intruding sound. Synthetic sound masking has been important in audio compression, but seems also to be gaining popularity for ambient sound applications.

Part of the documentation of the project is available at the CCRMA-Wiki CCRMA-Wiki. These are the slides for a presentation I did in the Color and Timbre seminar at CCRMA.

Strutural Analysis Toolbox for Matlab

During my undergrad studies (and my previous life) in Structural Engineering I worked for some time in a dynamic structural analysis toolbook for MATLAB called SAT-Lab. I programmed and tested several of the elements for non-linear seismic analysis of structures.

My undergrad dissertation details some of this work.


» Aug/6-10/2012: CCRMA Summer Workshop Network Sound and Data Workshop



Research Group

Music in Virtual Worlds (MvW)
Intersections Between Real and Virtual Performance Spaces

Network Performance Software

Network Performance
Concerts Across the World

Yamaha Mass Project
Masking Ambient Speech Sounds

Strutural Analysis Toolbox for Matlab


I am a composer and an engineer born in Santiago, Chile. I am currently a PhD candidate in Computer Music at Stanford University, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA).



Soundwire Research Group at CCRMA
Collective of musicians exploring network music that I co-founded.
Center For Computer Research in Music and Acoustics,
Stanford University
My glitch pop band
Director of CCRMA and my advisor